繁體小說網 - 曆史軍事 - 複仇三公主vs嗜命三少 - 第五十章 校花進行曲4

第五十章 校花進行曲4[第1頁/共7頁]

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)

But I can't agree

Daddy I've fallen for a monster

But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

What I got next for you



Yeah, little mama you lookin' good

'Cause the love you said you had

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)

Loosen up my buttons babe

But you keep fronting (Uh)

Ohh yes I do


Daddy I've fallen for a monster

He got a black heart

Mamma he's the best I ever had

Sticks and stones won't put it back up for me

He got such a dirty black heart in him

I show you how it go down, yeah, I wanna go down

“北夏紫依童鞋的歌聲。。。真是天下第一絕:I don't like it when you break me honey

Why'd you have to do that?

He got a black heart

i love him like mad

You've got a black heart

I don't think you know

Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)

Yeah! He's big and he's bad

But you keep fronting (Uh)

Only one way I could sum you up all together

I can see, just like most guys

Now tell bydoll