第58小節 永不熄滅的煙花(5)[第1頁/共2頁]
So pretty in the sky
That's where you'll find me
And the dreams that you dare to
I like the dark
The colours of the rainbow
They're really saying I ... I love you
Dreams really do come true.
Somewhere over the rainbow
And i think to myself
And the dreams that you dream of once in a lullaby
High above the chimney top
Someday i wish upon a star
Bluebirds fly
How do you do
Wakeup where the clouds are far behind me
Well i see tree's of green and red roses to
《Somewhere Over the Rainbow》是《綠野仙蹤》音樂電影中最膾炙人丁的一首歌曲。童話題材的《綠野仙蹤》報告了小女人桃樂茜被龍捲風帶入魔幻王國“奧茲國”。在和小火伴們經曆了一係列冒險後終究安然回家的故事。
Well trouble melts like lemondrops
Somewhere over the rainbow
What a wonderful world
這首《Somewhere Over the Rainbow》在整部電影中共呈現過兩次。彆離以歌曲和配樂的情勢,呈現在片頭當小女人桃樂茜因為瑣事巴望逃離從小餬口的故裡,和片尾當經曆過各種冒險終究認識到‘There’s no place like home’從心底巴望回家的一刻。第一次呈現時是指Heaven,世外桃源。末端時再聆聽則有種曆儘千帆後重新迴歸的感受。
And the dreams that you dream of
Wakeup where the clouds are far behind ~ me
I'll watch them bloom for me and you